Friday, February 27, 2009

First Visit to Gynae

My sister's gynae. I used to be thyroid-toxic. When I suspected I was pregnant, I requested for a blood test to confirm it and at the same time checked on my thyroid indicators. Turned out that one of the readings was a bit low, so my GP advised to see a gynae soon.

I went when I was in the 6th week. Gynae advised against raw/ uncooked food. Else, I can take most food, even caffeine, but in moderation. Vitamins? Folic acid for now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

With a Baby

Yes, I'm pregnant. Got the news on 19 Feb. Ha. What will this mean for my family? Can't stop the urge to want to blog about this newfound responsibility.
I've made up my mind from day 1 of getting married that should I have a baby, I'll stop work to look after the child. But with the economy in a limbo, I wonder if I could afford to do that.
But babies are meant to bring joy to the home, so I shall stay positive and consider it pure joy to be where I am now. =)