Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Alpha-Thalassemia Trait

Doc did a comprehensive blood test for me in the 14th week to check for Down's. Something surfaced. I was told my blood displays alpha-thalassemia traits. I'm a carrier of thalassemia. Berry had to go for a blood test as well just to be sure baby will not be stricken with thalassemia. When his test results came out, doc congratulated me for marrying the right person. Berry's clear of it. Thank God.

As for Down's, baby's all clear. Blood and neckfold are good.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sadness Looms

Just a week after our last visit to the gynae, my father-in-law passed away unexpectedly. (It was a Sunday). We were all shocked. He hasn't seen his first grandchild. No goodbyes. No last word. The future seems bleak and uncertain. Time will tell.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

12th Week -- Getting Clear

It was yet another 3 weeks and time to visit the gynae to look at our baby. We were a little excited. Perhaps we could find out baby's gender today. Went home a little disappointed. Gynae said it'd be apparent only about 14-16 weeks on.

Learnt something today. If the discharge is milk curd-like, please let the gynae know on the next earliest visit. It could be fungus growing there. I had a bit of that. Had to spend a bit to get it cured but better then leaving it untreated. Who knows how it might affect the foetus.