Friday, May 29, 2009

Empty Calories is Bad

About the 5th month into my pregnancy, I went for a detailed check up on my baby's dimensions to ensure his limbs are fine, his heartbeat is all right, his organs are growing well. I thought this would be the highlight of the check up.
However, guess I consumed too much sugary stuff (McDonald's vanilla cone and Minute Maid orange) just before the check up. The sugar level in my urine shot up sky high. Turned out that I had to have a blood prick test to check the sugar level in my blood. Doc and her nurses were all very concerned that I might develop gestational diabetes which may hit from 5th month onward.
I was upset for a while. It was my birthday that day and I just happened to indulge myself in stuff I usually won't take and it had to affect my tests.
Anyway, I learnt my lesson. Don't eat or drink too much sweet stuff. They contain empty carbo which would affect my baby. He may grow too fast too soon for his own good. This may lead to high blood pressure and overweight problem in him.
And yes, those flutterings were indeed the beginnings of feeling baby growing in me.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Feeling Baby's Movement

I could feel this slight flutter toward the bottom of my pelvic area. I suspect it's baby's movement that I'm beginning to feel. How exciting... I shall confirm it when I next see my gynae.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

16th Week - Our Baby Waved at Us

Finally, the day came for us to be able to see our baby's gender. This baby is a cheeky fellow. He/she waved at us in the ultrasound scan. But... we couldn't see. He/ she crossed his/ her legs. ;p