Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last Day of 2010

Hooray! Josh spent the last month of 2010 illness free! Thank you Lord for Your protection.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Practise Walking

Junior has been practising taking a few steps toward the sofa for about a week. As usual, he is very cautious. He makes sure his daddy (and only his daddy) is sitting in the sofa before he 'takes the plunge' to practise walking. Each time he completes his practice, he would unreservedly display triumph and exhilaration while his daddy (and mummy, of course) would be totally in awe.

By now he can stand up unaided, without holding onto anything.

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Good Time

I think the baby had a good time with his grandparents at Batam. He ate all sorts of food that he hadn't tried back home - doughnut, saltish porridge in a Chinese restaurant, yoghurt from JCO, pasta, etc. etc.

The vast area in the shopping malls allowed the baby to practise walking aided.

Although it was not easy to get the 'herd' going because of differing opinions and preferences, I must say it was fun. This family outing (my parents, my sister's family and our family) was the first after so many years -- more than a decade?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

J's First Boxing Day

Well, Bay slept away his first Boxing Day last year. Hence, this is really his first where he could look at the gifts he received and perhaps open them by himself. It was a rushed one though. We were rushing to take the ferry to Batam with my family this year. Nevertheless, I had fun opening the presents for him. Hiak hiak...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Dinner at Home

We had a family gathering at our home today. Ordered a set of food from Goodwood Park Hotel. There was a durian log cake. Super sinful but irresistible. A turkey prepared the Hainanese chicken way. The meat wasn't tough at all. Not bad at all. Delicious. There were a few sticks of skewed pork - teriyaki style. And some gingerbread. Yummilicious.

I would love to have one more next year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Let's Party!!! :PP

I attended the Christmas party at Bay's IFC together with Bay this morning. The ever-anti-social me couldn't quite enjoy myself. Besides it being super boring, I had to run around after the crawling baby. Super tired. He wasn't at all interested to play the games. Haha... Well, actually I didn't want to join in the games with him. Boring... I told myself never to attend such parties again. NEVER again.

Nevertheless, my boy was so cute I had to snap a few pics of him fooling around.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Bay sucking the snout of his water cup.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Calling Me Not, Talking

I realised 90% of the time when Junior says "ma ma," he actually means "mam mam" and telling us he's hungry and wants food. Nevertheless, better than nothing. At least once in 10 times, he's calling me. ;)

Besides, J also knows how to exclaim "Oh!" when something wrong happens, like he accidentally pulls out the shovel of his toy tractor.

And J also knows how to say "hello." He used his loose shovel as a receiver and "hello-ed" into it. Hahaha... Funny.

But the biggest amazement is J calling Terrie "jie jie" since months ago, before he turned 1. Terrie is the honoured one that J first called.

Maybe Junior will speak before he walks. Well, I guess it has happened.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All in a Day's Work

Standing Up

J stood up without holding on to anything today! It's such a thrill to see that. Looks like the intensive training has helped. Oops... do I sound like a slave driver?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Calling Me

Yesterday, Bay had been saying "ma ma." I couldn't confirm whether he's confused between "mam mam" (eat) and "ma ma" (mother). But just now he called me "ma ma" when he just had his fill of milk. I deduced he can now call me. Though a bit ambiguous, I think he's really beginning to talk audibly.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

About Walking

Baby's turned 14 months and he's still crawling around. I decided to train him to walk intensively this weekend. Well, it was good he could stand and walk aided by now. In fact, he now can push the push cart himself without me worrying that it would go too fast for him. He can now control it better and can even stop to stand unaided. I think he'll be able to walk pretty soon.

The Boy from the 7 Dragon Balls

Junior is like one of the toy dolls I used to have when I was younger. I can take care of him like how I did with the dolls. And today, after his bath, I wiped his head dry and fashioned his wet hair like this:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

About Holding Bottles Independently

Today, Junior's favourite teacher told us proudly that she has trained J to hold his own milk bottle. If he didn't hold, she told the other teachers not to feed him. Well, J has learnt to hold his bottle when he was 10 months old. However, he didn't manage to maintain this back then. We thought he was lazy to do it.

WE were quite glad his teacher trained him to do that. When we reached home, we were so glad to see him hold his milk bottle. Surely, it is another milestone achieved.

Thank God for the teachers in the IFC.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lying Around

Recently, Bay has a new hobby. He loves to lie on the living room floor. Only the ceramic tiles though, not the wooden ones. I suppose it's because the floor is cool. He does that at my parents' marble tiled living room as well. Haha... such is my son. Just like his mummy. I love to lie down on my parents' living room floor as well. When I was a little girl, I'd come out of my room in the middle of the night just to lie down on the cool floor for better sleep.

Well, can you see where he is lying in this photo below?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Son Son's First Polo T

I think he looks really smart in polo-T's. This is his first polo T, a gift from our neighbour when Junior turned full month. We finally see our Son Son wear this smart outfit.

Come to think of it, this outfit is very suitable for him when he goes to church. The other boys in church are all dressed this way. He will blend in easily -- smart.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Another Newfound Freedom

He can go off his parents bed without help today! We have been constantly worrying about him falling off our bed since he learnt how to turn on his tummy when he was 7 months. In fact, he has fallen off the bed a number of times. Poor baby. But he's quite a resilient baby. Never once bitten twice shy. Each time he falls, he'll scream and cry one minute and smile the next.

Now that Junior has learnt how to get off the bed without help, I'm proud to announce one more milestone achieved, yet again.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Home At Last

Finally home. Eager to see Bay's reaction when he sees his parents after being apart for almost a week. The moment we stepped into my parents' place, my father told us Bay can stand up from a squatting position. Hur hur... everyone in the family was eagerly looking forward to the day Bay could walk.

As for the little Bay, when he saw us, his split second expressionless look immediately broke into a smile but which soon faded as he went back to play the toy he was playing.

Something we almost notice instantly was how he could sit upright by now. He had been sitting with a little hunch since he could sit up on his own.

Another story we heard was this boy crawled on the floor in Ikea with Terrie! Ho ho ho...

Monday, November 22, 2010

One Week Parent-Leave

I'll be in HK for a work trip tomorrow till Friday and then continue for a short holiday for the weekend. This will be the first time I'm leaving baby for more than 1 day. (The first time was during a company trip to Malacca for 2D1N.) I'm already missing Bay. But I'm sure I can adapt to life without Bay very quickly. :P

Here's the cheeky little Bay. Nope, he didn't wear the glasses himself. His father did. Two cheeky bears.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Gross Motor Skill Development II

J's IFC teacher said he's a responsive boy and can respond to someone calling him from a distance. This is supposed to be a sign that J is developing well. I thank God for this.

Last weekend, he showed that he could gladly clap hands spontaneously when he is happy and excited. When mommy "wows" at him, he clapped with a great, big grin. =DD

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gross Motor Skills Development

Junior now knows he needs to raise his arms to get them into the sleeves when changing clothes. He also knows when I am taking off his socks so he can go cruising without slipping. He would raise his foot slightly off the ground one by one. Lovely.

In fact, when he was just a few months old, when I tell him to "bend your elbow," he knows he what he has to bend to get his sleeves on.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween... ... ...

This is J's halloween costume. If you remember, he has it since he was 3 months. Now it's nicely fitting him! Cute little boy this is.

By now, he's rummaging everything he can get his hands on. He loves to fling things behind him, as if to say, "Get out of my way!" J's also started to cruise. He enjoys walking along the perimeter of the sofa to examine every little thing on the sofa.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Officially One

His daddy took some candid shots of Bay playing this morning. I still think babies are the fastest growing creatures on earth. How wonderful is God's creation.

Indeed, Bay has come a long way. He's still falling sick every month but I thank God he's growing well, so says the doc.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Celebrating Turning One

We held a mini birthday party for Junior today. I invited some relatives and family friends. I also invited my colleagues who had been with Junior and I and seen him grow in my tummy till it was time for him to pop. Somehow, the baby turning one sent some nostalgia through my mind and I just wished for those aunties and uncles in my ex-office to share his joy.

Some photos of Bay on the day of the celebration. I think he learnt the pout from me.