Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween... ... ...

This is J's halloween costume. If you remember, he has it since he was 3 months. Now it's nicely fitting him! Cute little boy this is.

By now, he's rummaging everything he can get his hands on. He loves to fling things behind him, as if to say, "Get out of my way!" J's also started to cruise. He enjoys walking along the perimeter of the sofa to examine every little thing on the sofa.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Officially One

His daddy took some candid shots of Bay playing this morning. I still think babies are the fastest growing creatures on earth. How wonderful is God's creation.

Indeed, Bay has come a long way. He's still falling sick every month but I thank God he's growing well, so says the doc.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Celebrating Turning One

We held a mini birthday party for Junior today. I invited some relatives and family friends. I also invited my colleagues who had been with Junior and I and seen him grow in my tummy till it was time for him to pop. Somehow, the baby turning one sent some nostalgia through my mind and I just wished for those aunties and uncles in my ex-office to share his joy.

Some photos of Bay on the day of the celebration. I think he learnt the pout from me.

The Wonders About Turning 1

The dear little baby held on to the sofa seat and stood up right before my eyes one night. It was quite a sight. I was stunned for words and could only stare in amazement. He did it with no fuss. More to come...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Becoming Independent

Another observation. Junior now knows how to release his arms from the car seat belt after he's unbuckled. Hmm. So eager to leave 'captivity.' I wonder how he figured this out without being taught.

The First Haircut

J had his first haircut today, 8 months after he had his head shaved. Well, he's turning 1 in a few days' time and we wanted him to have a neater look. Besides, his long hair has been tickling his ears and forehead so much he has been spotting scratches on his ears and forehead.

We went to Minami at Liang Court to get his hair cut. This cost us around SGD20. It was quite fun at first. Then the baby decided he was sick of sitting there and started fidgeting. The poor hairdressers had to help us humour him so that the haircut could be completed.

The Mummy's Fantasy Story

This little baby loves to hover around his parents' shelves, peeking at things inside.
Still wondering how to get his hands on the books in the shelf.
For whatever reason, he decided he was apologetic, and faced the door, seeking repentance.
Still repenting...
Finally, decided to ask for forgiveness and 'bao bao.'

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Penguin

Junior simply adores a penguin toy my niece, Terrie, has. He always enjoys smacking the penguin left, right, centre. However, whatever toy Junior gets his hands on, Terrie will be very protective of them and tries to get them out of his hands.

Seeing how J loves the penguin, the doting father bought him one such penguin. He even took a video of J's reaction when J found penguin at his home. =)