Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Home At Last

Finally home. Eager to see Bay's reaction when he sees his parents after being apart for almost a week. The moment we stepped into my parents' place, my father told us Bay can stand up from a squatting position. Hur hur... everyone in the family was eagerly looking forward to the day Bay could walk.

As for the little Bay, when he saw us, his split second expressionless look immediately broke into a smile but which soon faded as he went back to play the toy he was playing.

Something we almost notice instantly was how he could sit upright by now. He had been sitting with a little hunch since he could sit up on his own.

Another story we heard was this boy crawled on the floor in Ikea with Terrie! Ho ho ho...

Monday, November 22, 2010

One Week Parent-Leave

I'll be in HK for a work trip tomorrow till Friday and then continue for a short holiday for the weekend. This will be the first time I'm leaving baby for more than 1 day. (The first time was during a company trip to Malacca for 2D1N.) I'm already missing Bay. But I'm sure I can adapt to life without Bay very quickly. :P

Here's the cheeky little Bay. Nope, he didn't wear the glasses himself. His father did. Two cheeky bears.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Gross Motor Skill Development II

J's IFC teacher said he's a responsive boy and can respond to someone calling him from a distance. This is supposed to be a sign that J is developing well. I thank God for this.

Last weekend, he showed that he could gladly clap hands spontaneously when he is happy and excited. When mommy "wows" at him, he clapped with a great, big grin. =DD

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gross Motor Skills Development

Junior now knows he needs to raise his arms to get them into the sleeves when changing clothes. He also knows when I am taking off his socks so he can go cruising without slipping. He would raise his foot slightly off the ground one by one. Lovely.

In fact, when he was just a few months old, when I tell him to "bend your elbow," he knows he what he has to bend to get his sleeves on.