Saturday, January 15, 2011

Little Kids Want to Learn

It was at the TCM centre that we first heard about the GD Baby Program from a mother we met there. This got me really interested, despite many people saying little children should just be having pure fun and play. Let formal learning happen when it should when they are older. Why stuff the poor kids with so much education at such a young age? It kills their interest in learning when they go to school. Being a none-the-wiser parent, I was tempted to subscribe to this 'doctrine.' Yet, somehow, I feel something inherently unsound about this 'doctrine.' Is it really true? What if it isn't? What if my child really wants and loves to learn?

Well, I can only test out one of these schools of thought. After all, parenthood is all about trial and error. Sometimes, if it doesn't work out, we can try another way of doing it. For instance, if a one brand of diapers doesn't work for my son, I find other brands till there's no leakage and he feels comfortable in it.

But for this topic on letting children learn when they are young, we shall see. For now, I want to subscribe to the benefits of teaching Junior while he's young. Little kids want to learn.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Walking! The Beginning of a New Era for the Family

Berry and I took Junior to a TCM centre for the doc to assess his health. He is good generally but his lungs and spleen are weak (something which we have noticed). She also said he has too few teeth. He only has 6 when he should be spotting 8 to 10. Hmm... Wonder if I should take it with a pinch of salt. His paediatrician said it really varies for little children.

The doctor got him to walk for her to see. Boy, was he elated to strut his stuff. But of course, he could only take a few steps in that pair of crocs. Wa... Ambitious parents. Think this little baby can manage a pair of crocs when he is barely walking.

However, when we went to my parents home that evening, this amazing little human being started to walk non-stop, through the living room, then the kitchen, then back to the living room. He's finally walking!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011's New Year Resolution

Boost my body's immunity and be rid of hyperthyroidism.
Get my teeth into shape.
Do a lasik.
Care for my aging skin. T.T
Boost baby's immunity.
Let him learn something enriching that will challenge and nurture his mental ability.

Last but not least, my prayer for my family remains: Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy soul. And I claim these by faith. Thank you, Heavenly Father. Amen.