Saturday, March 26, 2011

Boy with Character

Baby! Two twin brothers called Bay this when we were in Ikea's lift this evening. Their father said, "Well, you are not much older yourselves." The 2 boys continued calling Junior 'baby' in a taunting way.

As if in response to the taunting, J pointed at the 2 bigger boys like a cowboy would with his pistols. hur hur... "You are babies yourselves!"

Some photos we took in the morning before going out today. He was 'experimenting' with his potty. No. He still isn't potty-trained. I'm wondering how to do it when Berry and I are both working. Weekends are just too short.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Little Boy Knows HIM

J prayed to God when we sang the doxology in church today. It was a miracle. No one taught him but he just clasped his hand together as though to pray. My son knows Him.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Beginning of the 'Remoting' Era

He's been fiddling with the remote controls at home, smashing them on the floor 90% of the time.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Officially, Friends of the Zoo

Never in my life have I imagined I'd become friends with the zoo. Well, we did, so J can become friends with the animals.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Boy That Knows How to Make Himself Comfortable

He was home with his father because he was sick. While his father was having his siesta (or so he thought), the boy was airing his feet over the bumper in his cot. Shiok...