Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Baby That Has Sleep Deficiency

My whole family went to my parents' flat to stay overnight one Friday. The baby, unfortunately, couldn't get used to the 'strange' environment and didn't sleep till 2+am. This was how he looked after the 'ordeal.'

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Politics for My Toddler

Today is nomination day. I want to take my son to listen to the rallies, especially the opposition parties'. If Junior is to be a resident of this country, he'd better start early to get himself acquainted with politics here, if any.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Chinese Boy

Junior was able to repeat after his Chinese teacher words that she taught him to say. It seemed the teachers were more excited than the boy when they related the story to us. He said 妈妈, 爸爸, 哥哥, 姐姐, 婆婆, etc. Strange how Bay picks up and is able to repeat Mandarin words faster than English even though his parents speak mainly English at home.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Grown-Up Boy

Thoough J still can't speak phrases yet, he has grown mature in other areas. For one, he stopped drooling soon after he started playgroup at the new place. He doesn't even allow me to put bibs on him anymore. I think it's a result of the socialising process in school. Or to coin the words of the centre director, he is being 'normalised.' No other kids wears bibs. J doesn't want either.

One thing he still wants badly despite all 'normalising.' His pacifier. The centre supervisor said they don't give him the pacifier for his afternoon nap. They don't give any pacifiers to any kids - the normalisation process.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Swing Swing

Junior's first time on a swinging chair. He was so exhilarated he couldn't keep his mouth closed.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My son can count!

I was trying to button J's school uniform and wanting to distract him so he didn't struggle, I started counting the buttons to him. Almost immediately, he knew what I was doing and he started pointing at the buttons, from top down, as I counted, "1, 2, ..." and he said "3!" before I could say it! This is the first time he did it. This proved that he did absorb what we taught him sometime back. He may not immediately show he has learnt it but surely, he'd regurgitate it when we least expect it. What a cow!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grumpy Little Boy's 2nd Day in His New Childcare Centre

Junior's second day there. Still grumpy but no matter how unhappy he is, he won't give his breakfast a miss.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Boy Loves Us

Lately Junior likes to hit us on our heads. My 'mother's instinct' tells me the boy is trying to stroke our heads like how we stroke his. So I decided to teach him to do it gently. I held his hand in mine and guided him to stroke Berry's head slowly and lightly while saying, "sayang pa pa." And guess what? J learnt to do it himself and one day, he stroked my (or is it Berry's?) head gently. Our sheer delight at his action rewarded him. :)