Monday, June 27, 2011

A Temporary Solution

It's been decided. I shall be a part-time stay-at-home-mum (sahm) to take care of the baby. A bit troublesome but at least I get to stay home a bit with J and his body can take this opportunity to recuperate. His two po po's will help take turns to look after him.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Very Sick Boy

The little boy contracted chest infection "worse than bronchitis." When I heard this, my heart broke. Have we been negligent parents? What will become of the boy? Should I quit my job and stay home with him? Many thoughts went through my mind as we took the boy home after a busy morning packed with an x-ray, a small procedure to draw his mucus for further testing and a follow up with the paediatrician to ascertain the current state of health for J.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Father's News Report

Destroyed tractors and animals strewn all around, could this disaster zone really be the work of 1 baby?

The Rabbit

Hop hop hop. That's what Junior has been doing since he learnt how to do it. I've seen how Terrie learnt to hop and so I know this is not an easy deal. It's a big deal for toddlers. But when they master it, you share the exhilaration with them.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

We found 2 new pearlies in Junior's mouth today! Finally... after a dry spell for so long. Now I'm proud to say Junior has 10 teeth.

These 2 teeth are on either side of the upper jaws.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lunch at Fish & Co.

Junior looking happy and satisfied with his pasta.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Son Damaged His Bed

He jumps. He slumps. He tumbles. He fumbles. And so, his bed collapsed. Berry tried to fix it by some hammering and managed to salvage it a little. For now, he's able to sleep in it. I'll upload a picture when it's finally gone. Haiz...