Wednesday, September 28, 2011

J's Language Development - Stock Take

Barely two years old and he's been muttering sentences.  For example, "Mommy, I want ice cream!" and "Mommy, mommy go toilet." "I love choo choo train."  Some milestone!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

He said a few sentences.

My dear baby muttered two sentences in a day today.
"Mummy, I want ice cream."
"I love choo choo train."

All these before he turned two.  Well done, baby!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Speaking Phrases

Over the week, Junior's language development picked up some speed.  He can now link single words together.  For example, "sleep... mummy's bed" when he wants to get out of his cot to sleep in our big and cozy king-sized bed.  When he sees the red light when we travel in the car, he'll excitedly shout "red, red."  And when I say, "Oh, do you mean the red light?", he'd go "red light, red light."  And when the traffic light turns green, he'd follow me to say, "Go!"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


These were the words Junior replied when his granny asked him if he has been obedient today. Well, Berry thought hard about why the baby could reply these three words and then realised they originated from the baby's mum. This was the reply I gave Berry the day before when he came home and asked me if the baby had been good (in front of the baby). *Faintz*

Have to be careful what we say in the boy's presence.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Little Helper

These days, the little boy will volunteer to throw rubbish into the rubbish bin. When he does that, the mother will frantically stand him on the high stool to wash his hands with soap under the tap. And the boy will giggle away and try to grab things hung around the tap area, turn the tap on and off and so on and so forth.

So now, we know the little helper's hidden agenda.