Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Goodnight Gift

From little boy before he went to bed.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


A little stock-taking at year 2 shows the little boy continuing to grow exponentially.  He must have been a good 80 cm, looking at how much he has grown....  My favourite stock-take pictures are those where he is in his car seat. kekeke...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Birthday Celebration

Time continues to fly.  It's going to be J's 2nd birthday soon.  We took him to the Singapore Flyer today.  His term of endearment for it is 'sui sui' (beautiful in hokkien).  From then on, he'd say, "Mummy, sui sui!" whenever we drive around town near the flyer.  Above, view from the top.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Singing in the Public

The little boy decided to offer a song in the public today.  Well, I think he probably has no notion of shame or any sense of embarrassment at such a young age.  Besides, it's really music to the ears.