Monday, September 16, 2013

Pregnancy Stabilised

It seems the Chinese herbs are indeed effective.  I don't see any weird symptoms related to a miscarriage.  Thank God for that.  I will do all I can to protect this little life our Father Lord has graciously granted us.  He'll see to it that it's healthy.  The next thing to grapple with soon, though I really hope not, is the onset of morning sickness (which for me was the whole day during J's time). :(

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Yes, I think so.  But with a bit of bleeding.  This time around, instead of going to KK, I decided to go the doctor popo to get Chinese herbs to stabilise the pregnancy.  It is a risk I had to take.  Not sure if the Chinese herbs are detrimental to fetal health but I could not take another miscarriage.