Friday, December 27, 2013

One Big Step Forward

After attempting to toilet-train little J for so long,  we finally see one big step forward.  After being many disappointments and much frustration, I was really glad J passed this major hurdle.

He was having a rash on his bum bum and screaming from pain when he pooped again.  Then he complained about my long nail as I was washing him up and that really infuriated me.  "No more diapers for you!  Your bum bum was like that because of your diapers!"  That sort of woke J up.  I told him not to wear diapers anymore.  If he needed to poop, use his potty.  He agreed.

Four hours later, he suddenly said he needed to poop and dashed for the toilet.  Sat down on the potty and I waited.  He asked for a tummy massage which I did.  And before long, the poop came out.  Boy!  Were we glad!  I reminded J that he has to wipe from front to back and cleared his potty of his poop and told him when he's able to use the toilet, we won't have to wash his potty anymore.

"I'm so proud of you!" got him all satisfied. 

It was a historic moment for mother and son.