Sunday, May 18, 2014

A New Earthling is Born

This is the birth story of my little girl, my second child.  Through this historic episode, I came to appreciate the gas as a pain relief.

Due to my birth experience with J, having to wait overnight for active labour, I was adamant about going to hospital only when active labour was close.

I had started to experience contractions (with pain) the night before.  However, they had been totally bearable, rated 1 (least painful) on a 10-point scale.  So I braved through the night feeling just slightly uncomfortable.

This morning, the contractions were still not that painful.  I had no idea I was in early labour, having no experience in the natural birth process.  J was induced and I had an epidural then.  Hence, contraction pain was not something I had experienced or knew how to handle.

We went to church as usual.  It was raining cats and dogs when we left church and I even braved the rain to make sure J was well covered.  We had our lunch at Raffles City food court before going home.  By now, the contractions were gaining intensity.

Berry asked if I needed to go to the hospital.  I refused.  I needed to poop and was hoping if I were going into active labour, perhaps I could poop first and not have to have the 'liquid' to clear my bowels.  While in the toilet, I noticed a bit of blood.  I thought I just had a show, my mucus plug just came off.  Having read that active labour could possibly happen in a few hours for second pregnancies and beyond, I got worried.  I didn't know what should be the next thing to do.  Wait or go to the hospital.

I called the emergency line to ask my gynae for advice.  She could only say that if I was worried, go to the hospital to wait.  I decided to get Berry to take J to his Shichida class any way.  I felt I still had a bit of time.  As I waited for them to come back, I checked my hospital bag and got the last few pending items ready.  Had a feeling it wouldn't be long before active labour comes.

While waiting, I laid down in the sofa to rest.  Was hoping I could poop more.  Instead, noticed more mucus plug came out.  Took some fruits.  Walked about the apartment a bit.

Finally, Berry and J came back.  Checked with my sis if I could send J to her first before my mom took him back to look after him while Berry and I go to the hospital.  Took a bath and washed my hair.  Berry took a bath as well.

And we were off.

We had our dinner at the AMK market before setting off to the hospital finally.  By the time we started dinner, the contractions were getting noticeably painful.  By the time we said bye and got into the car, I thought, "Thank God, we are on our way."  Alas, little girl couldn't wait to come to the world.

Around 8.30pm.  3cm dilated.  By the time we got into the labour ward and changed into the operating theatre robe, and got myself checked, I was in active labour.  The midwife was skilful in checking my dilation.  Thank God.  I felt like we were off to a good start!  I had the liquid to get my system cleared of the poop.  Again, not as bad as the last time I had it during J's birth.  Thank God again.

I prayed for a smooth delivery without complications and that it would be fast.

I was still hesitant about getting the epidural.  The midwife advised if I couldn't take pain, go for it.  But I really wanted to experience the pain since this could well be my last pregnancy.  However, by the time my cervix was 5cm dilated, I decided the pain was not quite bearable and I asked for epidural.  The midwife quickly got me to sign the consent form and got the anaesthetician to come.  We'd have to wait 20min.  I was told to take a leak before I become immobile.

Went to the toilet.  That was when all hell broke loose.  I suffered a major contraction while on the toilet bowl.  Saw my tummy almost burst with veins.  What a balloon!  Dried myself only to find blood on the toilet paper.  By this time, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to let out a cry for help.  The midwife told me not to give birth by the 'roadside'.  Walked me to the bed with Berry.  Told me to lie down to get the contraction detection machine strapped on and to make sure baby's heartbeat is fine.  I said I couldn't get my legs up.  It was too painful.  But eventually I made it.  And the gas was immediately put over my nose and mouth.  Dr Chin was summoned.

Breathe!  That was what I was told to do.  And so I did.  I didn't know how the gas will work.  All I knew was my mind was taken off the pain as I focused on breathing in and out, long and hard.  I thought I heard someone playing Street Fighters.  The oh-so-familiar "K.O." as the fight ended rang in my ears.  Who could be in the mood to play Street Fighters while my baby and I fought for our lives?  I teared from the pain.  Berry wiped off the tear for me.  It was too late to get an epidural.  Hope we were in time to cancel the epidural.  Well, we did.  Thank God.  Two thousand dollars off the bill.

8cm dilated.  Dr Chin was still not there.  10cm dilated.  Yes, she came.  I was told to push when a contraction came.  Did it with all my might.  Coming out.  Another contraction came.  Pushed.  Head was out.  I could feel it.  The next minute, something else slipped out and I was told the little girl is out!  Got a jab to get the placenta to come out easily.  Had a stitch. Was told I had a tear.  Well, all the rest of the pain was minute compared with the contraction pain.  But I'm glad baby and mother made it.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Potty Training -- One Major Victory

For the longest time, since I last posted last December that J was starting to sit on the potty to poop, there wasn't any progress.  However, I'm happy to say he has come a long way.  Just when baby S is to be born soon, J has decided to buck up and sit on the potty to poop.  I'm so happy for him.  Hope our short stay in the hospital when baby S is born will not disrupt this wonderful progress.