Monday, November 26, 2007

The Laud of the Rings

The wedding bands signify the union of two and the sacredness of the union.

The bride and groom have different needs when it comes to choosing suitable wedding bands. Comfort is very important but this need is more crucial for men than women. For the ladies, we tend to be comfortable with rings. We love rings, don't we? So it won't be difficult to get used to having one more ring on the fingers. However, the men would probably need more time to get accustomed to their ring, especially if they do not have a habit of wearing rings. Thus, it is one important consideration when a couple chooses their rings.

Here are some considerations when looking for appropriate wedding bands.

1. Ring Shape
There are wedding bands that are slightly curved on the inside rather than being flat. These are comfort fit/ dome-shaped rings. However, this does not necessarily mean that the outside of the ring is rounded too - it can be flat if preferred. It's a matter of personal style and taste. Comfort fit rings allow easy wearing and removal of the ring. As the name suggests, this type of ring feels softer on the finger.

2. Ring Width
Think about the size and length of your fingers as well as personal preference. For the ladies, something not more than 5mm would be preferred. It can be as narrow as the bride fancies. Men would do well with a ring that is not too narrow because a narrow ring could look a tad too feminine for them. Besides looking masculine, wider rings would give a tighter feel. Ultimately, try on the ring to get a feel of it and to see if a particular width is suitable for you.

3. Ring Size
Obviously, you need to choose a size that is not too tight or too loose on your finger. Bear in mind that your finger size will change slightly depending on the seasons of the year and time of the day. For the ladies, when we get pregnant, our fingers might expand a little and this could mean a very tight ring if you choose one that is just fitting. You can consider a slightly bigger size (about 0.5 bigger). However, this is provided the bigger ring does not slip off your finger easily. Nevertheless, for preggies, should you feel the ring is getting too tight for you, take the band off your finger lest it gets stuck on your finger -- for life?

4. Metal
Platinum is the hardest. It doesn't get tarnished easily. White gold does but it is almost twice as cheap as platinum.

As always, taste and preferences play a huge part in shopping for a wedding band. Try on as many wedding bands as you fancy (or could tolerate) till you find one that is comfortable and would be willing to wear.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Your Personal Assistant

We need a good PA who can help us get things done - schedule every single meeting with service providers, every to-do item, record ideas for the wedding, keep track of the budget, etc. Not every couple have the good fortune of having friends who volunteer to be their wedding planner. If you have such friends, grab them and treat them well.

My faithful scheduler is below. Works well on occasional charging. Reminds me subtly my to-do list. Does not nag at me for procrastinating - not literally, at least. Looks good - I can flaunt.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Cakes & Such, Pastries & Much

It's a custom in Singapore to give relatives and friends some cakes and pastries together with the wedding invitation. It's best done personally. From my understanding, the bride's family does this. (Though Berry's family followed suit as well.) We gave fruit cakes and pastries when we personally visited our relatives.
These are available in most confectioneries. You can go for the old-style confectioneries - quality guaranteed - or choose to go to ordinary confectioneries.
We went to an old-style but well-known confectionery. We could sense the effort and love put into making those cakes and pastries. The shop does not look modern. In fact, it gives a rustic feel which is one of the reasons why we fell in love with that little confectionery. Last but not least, no preservatives added.

Luncheon Invite

These are my hotel invitation cards. Aren't they graceful and elegant? I prefer the maroon card. I slipped my church invite into these hotel invites, so no one will miss my church solemnisation invitation. =)