Sunday, November 4, 2007

Cakes & Such, Pastries & Much

It's a custom in Singapore to give relatives and friends some cakes and pastries together with the wedding invitation. It's best done personally. From my understanding, the bride's family does this. (Though Berry's family followed suit as well.) We gave fruit cakes and pastries when we personally visited our relatives.
These are available in most confectioneries. You can go for the old-style confectioneries - quality guaranteed - or choose to go to ordinary confectioneries.
We went to an old-style but well-known confectionery. We could sense the effort and love put into making those cakes and pastries. The shop does not look modern. In fact, it gives a rustic feel which is one of the reasons why we fell in love with that little confectionery. Last but not least, no preservatives added.

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