Saturday, March 21, 2009

9-week Old Teddy Bear

Went to see my gynae in the 9th week. Asked a lot of silly, practical, but real questions on a preggie's mind:

1. Yes, I can eat crabs.

2. Yes, I can go for haircuts (separately, I read a website that said I can go to a dentist in the 2nd trimester).

3. Yes, I can eat birds' nests.

4. No, I cannot do crunches -- only brisk walking and swimming.

5. Yes, puking is normal. But gynae gave me vitamin B6 which is supposed to ease vomitting.

6. Yes, having discharge is normal. But if there are traces of red or brown, see the gynae IMMEDIATELY.

My baby's scan. Gynae said, "It's a teddy bear!" I beg to differ. That's obviously a kidney bean! 2.29cm in length. My dear hubby exclaimed excitedly, "Where where? I can't see!" That's how we got a blown up scan (with lower resolution >:[ I told my hubby not to talk at our next visit. I can't see clearly with this blurred scan). And all the terminologies of where is what on the scan.

1 comment:

  1. sherry safarina@gfkJune 9, 2009 at 10:24 AM

    CONGRATULATIONS NICOLE & Ber Ger! didnt know you're pregnant!! how time flies!!
