Friday, June 26, 2009

Linea Nigra

I used to look with terror at pictures of pregnant women with a black strip across the tummy (top to bottom) until I noticed a linea nigra growing on mine as well. I was hoping it won't happen to me but it did. Mine's worse though. The part below the belly button looks more like a black tornado than a black line.
This line first appeared when I was sometime into my 6th month.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Don't Break My Will

A fellow church mate who have an 18-month old boy once told Berry and I that it is not an easy feat to discipline his child and yet not break his will at the same time. Till now, I don't really understand what he meant.

But I finally got a glimpse of what he meant. It's something like promoting creativity and yet teaching the child to be a good person with the right values.

Here's an analogy:

In the office, I review my staff's work. I check on the accuracy of facts presented and content. I don't change his/ her slide format/ layout/ custom animation, unless they distort accuracy of facts and content. Even then, I don't change without telling. I advise and rationalise my viewpoint and get the staff to rework it after understanding the requirements. I understand that to change the colour, or font type, or any aesthetics would be imposing my subjective opinion on the staff.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

This is Berry's first year spending Father's Day without his dad. Decided to treat him to lunch to celebrate his own first year being a father, despite baby only going to be born in October. It was a sombre but enjoyable dim sum lunch.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cute Baby Movement

Baby responds to my touch/ pats on the tummy but not Berry's. Strange how junior stops moving when Berry puts his big 'bear paw' on my tummy, wanting to feel his movements.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Found myself bleeding yesterday. I was so worried I went to see my gynae this morning. She discovered a polyp growing in my cervix and immediately 'operated' on me to remove it for a histology investigation. Turned out to be benign. According to doc, this is not common but not serious either. Was given 3 days' mc and a jab to stabilise the foetus. Boy, what a tiring day.

Thank God baby is fine.