Thursday, June 25, 2009

Don't Break My Will

A fellow church mate who have an 18-month old boy once told Berry and I that it is not an easy feat to discipline his child and yet not break his will at the same time. Till now, I don't really understand what he meant.

But I finally got a glimpse of what he meant. It's something like promoting creativity and yet teaching the child to be a good person with the right values.

Here's an analogy:

In the office, I review my staff's work. I check on the accuracy of facts presented and content. I don't change his/ her slide format/ layout/ custom animation, unless they distort accuracy of facts and content. Even then, I don't change without telling. I advise and rationalise my viewpoint and get the staff to rework it after understanding the requirements. I understand that to change the colour, or font type, or any aesthetics would be imposing my subjective opinion on the staff.

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