Monday, November 23, 2009


Today is the first time I gave junior comfort feeding and I'm surprised. He had never needed comfort feeding in the first 6 weeks of his life. He had his last feed for the day at 12am. However, he didn't go to sleep like he usually would but continued crying for no apparent reason. Diaper - checked. Hunger - checked. Cuddling - checked. I decided to carry him in bed and get to sleep with him in my laps when he started rooting. It was a struggle for me as I've just started working on my bm supply and nipples were getting sore. Grudgingly allowed him to suck for a few minutes till he unlatched by himself. Observed a little. He went to sleep in my bed without me carrying him. Boy, was I glad! Put him in his little sleeper in between Berry and me. He struggled a little but eventually went to sleep. Thank God!

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