Saturday, February 27, 2010

Junior's First Haircut

He was so obedient and didn't fuss when we took him to Hua Xia to have his head shaved and to get his hair made into a brush (mao bi). It's really just a momento but considering it's not just any momento, Berry and I had decided to take him to HX.

Friday, February 19, 2010

2nd Vaccination

Took junior to the Bishan pediatrician to get his 2nd dose of 6-in-1, pneumoccocal and rotavirus vaccination. Doc also did a check on bb's development. Everything looks fine. Bb was so engrossed with the mobile hanging from the ceiling when doc swung it left and right to check his gross motor skill. So cute. Hiak hiak.

We were told that junior can start to take solids 2 weeks later as his neck is pretty strong by now. woo hoo... the adventure begins.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stock Check

It's been 4 months of partial breastfeeding. I've decided to stop. My wrists are hurting due to hormonal imbalance - TCM doc said this is mummy's hands syndrome. And yet, despite my hurting wrists that render me sometimes unable to look after baby, deep down, I really want to provide for him. Especially now that he's prone to falling sick quite easily due to the bronchiolitis he contracted. But I reckon as long as I'm still breastfeeding, the hormonal imbalance will be there.

It's been a roller coaster time breastfeeding baby. First, bb couldn't latch properly. Then the cracked, sore nips and the physical pain. Then the supply being affected. The lack of sleep having to wash and sterilise the pumps, and of course the milk expression. It has been indeed depressing.

I guess I really should pat myself on the back for persisting for 4 months when it should have ended 3 months ago.

Now that it has come to an end, the next thing I could do for baby is really to prepare for the introduction of solids to baby. Wow... another milestone approaching.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hold Your Head Up!

Somehow, without realising when, baby is able to hold his head up by himself. How it happened, when it happened, we know not but we thank God for baby reaching this wonderful milestone.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Junior seems to be able to associate "pa pa" and "ma ma" with Berry's and my face. Yesterday, when Berry talked to baby and mentioned "ma ma", baby turned and looked at me. And when I was talking about Berry to baby, he looked in Berry's direction when he heard "pa pa". Wow... something new again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ill Again

Junior is sick again. Berry and I took him to the PD at Bishan hoping to get him vaccinated and to see the PD to check if he's indeed sick. He was coughing very slightly and grunting like a pig again this morning.

True enough, he's ill again. PD said best not to go for vaccination yet and to recover first before going for the vaccination. He was to take Zyrtec - 5 drops a night - and Prospan - 1.5ml - for his cough.

I really hope he'll be well and won't get sick so easily.

Flipping and Turning

BB is nearly 4 months but somehow is showing no sign of turning on his tummy from a lying position. Some babies his age are already flipping like pratas like nobody's business.

So we decided to help him by putting him on his tummy more frequently. It seems to be helping. We could see his desire to want to turn and look at someone or something behind him. With help, that is, pressing his feet against something, he could do the flip quite easily.

I look forward to him doing it on his own.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Water Boy

Junior is truly meant for the water. He kicks in the bath. He loves doing the leg action as though he's swimming breaststroke. Most of all, he drools and blows bubble very well.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ready for Solids?

I noticed baby imitating the adults' eating mouth movement. I wonder if he's ready for solids. He'll turn 4 months in a week's time. It's quite odd to see him look like he's eating. hee... Look forward to more growth and development from him.