Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life's Just Got Easier

Truly, one of the best things that ever happened to Junior was that he is able to hold his head now. Strong neck he has. We can now carry him upright without worrying about twisting his neck.

With the strong neck, he can sit up (though still wobbly), he can start to eat solids, he can look at the world from a new perspective. I think he is enjoying this new found freedom somehow.

But for the mummy, time simply flashes past. It seems like just yesterday that I took this stranger home. And now, the stranger has grown bigger, longer, and a bit more independent. He can go to sleep on his own fairly well. He can gurgle lots of sounds by now. He can almost hold his milk bottle on his own.

I get a little scared really. Worried that he will grow up to be naughty. Scared that he falls sick. Worried that he is not a happy baby. Scared that he does not have chances to learn new things like some other kids with rich parents could.

But Berry reminds me occasionally that what matters is he is happy and healthy. Yes, I still pray for Junior to have a healthy mind, body and soul. Most importantly, he must grow up knowing God. These are my only 2 wishes for him.

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