Friday, April 30, 2010

The Cooing Baby

Almost forgot about this precious development of Junior's. Since a couple of weeks back, he has been cooing himself to sleep. We thought he sounded like he was singing. He would start cooing in his car seat on the way home every night. We usually play Symphony to him to tone down his day and prepare for sleep at home. He coos to the music which will lull him to sleep.
At home, he coos to sleep in his cot. He would go something like "cooooooo" or "booooo". Cute.

The Fastest Growing Mankind on Earth

Baby's 3rd 6-in-1 and pneumoccocal jabs went smoothly today, with me single-handedly strolling him to the clinic for the jabs. Berry was caught up with work, as usual. This was the bravest baby I've ever seen. Doc said if he didn't cry for the pneumoccocal jab, she'd be really really surprised. Well, he didn't cry. But I felt his body shook a little when he was braving that super painful jab. Well done, baby!

Why do I say he's the fast growing mankind on earth? Baby was a mere 49cm and 2.97kg at birth. Now, a couple of weeks before he would turn 7 months, he is 70.5cm and 8.3kg! Who can grow so many centimetres in 7 months besides these babies?! Hahaha... I'm marvelling at their lightning speed of growth -- babies.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bao Bao

Baby has begun to respond to 'bao bao' (carry in Chinese) and shows preference for his favourite adults to bao bao him. I discovered it when I experimented by clapping my hands and telling him 'bao bao'. To my amazement, he responded by leaning toward me.
Ha! It's little discoveries like this that really make my day.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Departure

Today marked the last day of work at the company I've worked at for the last 3 years. It was with mixed feelings that I was leaving. On one hand, I love the work. On the other, Junior needs to have mummy spend more time with him. He's growing so fast every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Thus, after praying to God for many months, I'm finally going. Much as I would miss the work and the people here, I look forward to more time with the fastest growing human kind on earth.
Goodbye, my friends.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Kangaroo

This guy couldn't stop laughing sitting in the jumperoo - a gift from Berry's colleagues. Initially, when he first sat in it, he didn't know what to do with it. However, as though it's his second nature, he started moving in it. Then he realised he could jump in it. And the fun began. Not a single second did he stop or close his mouth. hahaha... This is the first time I see him laugh non-stop.
But I am cautious we don't let him sit in it for too long. His feet seem pretty soft to be able to support his weight for an extended period of time. But it's so fun seeing him enjoy himself whenever he sits in the jumperoo, I wish there's one big enough for me.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Handsome Boy

Showed this photo to my colleague and ex-colleague and they both unanimously said Junior is a handsome boy. Not cute, but handsome. Haha... Imagine the beaming, proud mum I am.Unfortunately, this photo was taken when I was sick and at home with Junior. Haiz... immunity level going down.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Down Again

Junior is sick again. His lungs are affected again. This time, doc gave him the inhaler for his cough, through the aero chamber. Supposed to require lesser ventolin and still achieve the same healing effect, faster. Besides, doc is worried prolonged coughing will render him asthmatic. Really hope I can do something about it. Well, one thing I did was to quit my current job, in a bid to spend more quality time with this little Bay. May the Lord bless him healthy mind, body, spirit, and abundance.
Despite being sick, he is still quite a stylo baby, don't you think?

Friday, April 2, 2010

More Pics of the Little Cow

The Little Cow... Dalmatian?

Bay has grown bigger and longer and I just realised it. He can now wear the cow suit his aunt has given him 3 months back. He has a little black tail too. Now now... I'm wondering if I should get him black socks for his 'hoofs'.