Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby's First Travel Experience -- The (Gory) Details

As I was saying, Junior didn't seem too sick when we took him out in the morning to collect our passports, all the way till noon when we started to drive north. He fell asleep soon after he finished his milk in the car. When we went into JB, he finally woke up but alas, only 1 of his eye could open. His left eye was so full of sticky green discharge that it was momentarily rendered 'helpless'! Pained me to see him struggled to open that eye. Boo hoo... Despite this episode and a fever that kept coming and going, J was in good spirits.

We were lost for a while as our friends overshot and missed a left turn that would have led us to the resort. When we finally got there, thank God there was still time for us to stroll in the resort and have a hearty late lunch and sumptuous bbq buffet for dinner.

We were of course not able to swim since Junior couldn't join us. The little nightmare started in the night. Junior was as usual struggling big time having to take so much medicine -- 4 types in all -- paracetamol, rhinathiol, inhaler, iliadin. After he went to sleep, his temperature started to increase. He woke up and wailed for dear life. As I carried him up, he gave me this sad and helpless look that seemed to say, "Mummy, thanks for carrying me." Immediately, I started to tear. But I told myself my baby needed me and I continued rocking him and settled him with paracetamol. Thank God he went back to zz. The waking up and wailing ritual repeated for a couple more times through the night, I was ready to pack and go home the next day.

The next morning, miraculously he seemed to be much better. However, by then he had so much phlegm he was merlioning half of all his feeds the whole day. Nevertheless, we decided to stay on since he seemed better and it wasn't so nice to leave our friends and go home earlier. The same ritual happened the 2nd night. Finally, the day arrived when we were to go home. When we reached Singapore, we immediately took him to the pd and got him more medicine and started him on Augmentin (antibiotics).

And this was the little drama that happened for dear baby's first trip overseas.

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