Thursday, August 19, 2010

About Finger Nails

Babies have very fine finger nails. When they scratch themselves and others it can be an excruciatingly painful experience. This explains why newborns should wear mittens. When they no longer wear mittens, all effort has to be done to ensure their nails are kept short.

It is not always easy to cut J's nails. The best time to do it is when the baby is asleep. But, didn't we all read that parents should learn to catch naps together with baby? Furthermore, we spend so little time with baby since both Berry and I work. I could only cut J's nails when he's asleep at night. The adults screamed when I told them that. "What? Cut his nails so late at night?" And other caregivers of J's keep hounding me and asking me why I don't cut his nails. ?? What have you caregivers been doing? I thought all J's caregivers should share the responsibility of keeping his nails short. After all, they spend more awake hours with him than I do.
Well, I don't expect J's caregivers to really do that. But I would appreciate if they quit hounding me in a critical tone.

"Mothers need support, not criticism" - Ellen Sue Stern in Reflections for New Mothers

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