Thursday, September 30, 2010

Grown Again

Bay stayed home with daddy whole of this week since dad has taken leave for the week to rest one week for his birthday -- a tradition he has not broken since I knew him. Envious. He gets to spend time with the son. I think Bay enjoys staying home with daddy too. He gets to play and do things mummy may not necessarily allow.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Montage

To make up for his not so good shooting skill, Berry likes to take continuous photos of Bay playing. He believes there is bound to be a good shot out of so many photos he takes. This is one of those. Despite not so good shots, when put together, they still look good. Most importantly, the subject has to be endearing to produce such good shots. ;)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Baby/ Toddler and the Cow

Caught sight of the baby-morphing-into-a-toddler wrestling happily with the cow plush toy his grandfather bought when he was abroad.

I am always amazed to see Junior sitting with his legs stretched wide apart. He can almost do a perfect split sometimes. Now, I won't have to worry about him passing his sit-and-reach tests that he would have to go through if he studies in Singapore schools and subsequently goes to National Service.

For now, I want to stay amazed. ;D

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Baby's Preference

By now, Bay has developed his preference for certain adults and he shows it unreservedly. The first 'preferential adult' is my father! Bay won't let his grandfather out of his sight. When he's at my parents' place and whenever he sees my father change to go out, he'd gesture to want to go with my father. How does this baby gesture? Well, he simply stretches his arms upward while his body bounces away, somehow hoping he could catapult himself upward to his grandpa's arms.

Another way he shows his preference for his grandpa is by getting jealous. He will get jealous when his grandpa carries Terrie instead of him. Haiyo... some little boy he is. When we sang birthday song to grandpa, he just couldn't stop looking at grandpa and Terrie, hoping he was the one grandpa was carrying. hmm...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Kite Festival

We took Junior to the kite festival with a few of my closer colleagues. This was probably the first time Junior saw kites in his life. As expected, he wasn't too impressed with the myriads of kites. Too young to anyway. But his parents were surely awed by them.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Fun Begins!

Used to be, little Junior was a helpless newborn. Then he turned into a turtle lying on his shell, exercising his four limbs endlessly. Later on he started flipping on his tummy like a prata. Much later on he began slithering around on his tummy like a snake. Somehow he found out he could tuck in his legs while on his tummy, push himself up with his hands, and sit up! Once he started sitting up on his own, he learnt to crawl on all fours. God's creation is so amazing I want to thank Him for allowing Junior into our lives. I can't say I want to have a second child because of J but I definitely want to protect, love, and care for him with all my strength.

Once J learnt how to sit up on his own, we realised his body has grown so much he now could sit up and see us from above his bumper.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Day Bay Crawled on All 4s

This is it! For almost a month, Bay has been slithering around on his tummy. Today, he started crawling using his hands and knees. Proud!