Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Fun Begins!

Used to be, little Junior was a helpless newborn. Then he turned into a turtle lying on his shell, exercising his four limbs endlessly. Later on he started flipping on his tummy like a prata. Much later on he began slithering around on his tummy like a snake. Somehow he found out he could tuck in his legs while on his tummy, push himself up with his hands, and sit up! Once he started sitting up on his own, he learnt to crawl on all fours. God's creation is so amazing I want to thank Him for allowing Junior into our lives. I can't say I want to have a second child because of J but I definitely want to protect, love, and care for him with all my strength.

Once J learnt how to sit up on his own, we realised his body has grown so much he now could sit up and see us from above his bumper.

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