Monday, February 28, 2011

The Decision Is Made

We've decided to withraw Junior from the current chilcare centre. But we've not secured another place for him. By now, Berry and I agree that we need to take this whole consideration to a higher level. We're no longer looking at primary care for Junior. It has to go beyond this. It has to be able to provide Bay with a wholesome development.

We've 2 in consideration. One near my parents' home and another near our workplace. Though placing him near my parents' place provides loads of convenience for us, like being able to work late, I have my reservations, especially when my parents are busy people with their many activities. I don't want J to become their burden, having to make sure they fetch him to their home before the centre closes.

Placing him near where we work means he's closer to us and we're able to be in the know firsthand if J falls sick and needs to be taken home. Besides, the philosophy of this centre better fits the GD baby program. BUT, yes, a big BUT, they're twice as expensive. If I decide to quit working, I don't think we can afford his fees for long. AND, yes, a big AND, it's a strain on our timing. J has to be picked up latest by 7pm. Frankly, it doesn't fit our current work situation.

And so, still thinking and praying about this.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Junior's Development

J is advancing well. He is learning to jump by now, though not successful yet. He's also running around, slowly and awkwardly at first but as he gains dexterity, he can't stop. He doesn't walk anymore. He doesn't let us hold his hand anymore. He enjoys the freedom totally.

I wonder when he will start to talk, now that he can walk. He could only say words like "go," "no," "more," "mum mum," "mao."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Cousins

Had a brief half day off from work. Went to the AMK Hub with my mum and the two cousins. It rained so hard and baby had no food with him we had to take them home in the rain. The only way to get them home is to carry baby in my arms since he may get wet sitting in the stroller. Though my muscles were stretched for the first time since he was born, it was a good day out.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Beginning of the Rummaging Era

Lock the drawers, shelves, 'cept for one that baby can pull the items out to play without hurting himself.


J now knows how to pick up the pacifier and adjust it to fit in his mouth now. In the past, he could not quite figure out how and would eat it upside down or try to put it in the other way round.

He's into stacking containers (nesting toys) together and also pulling paper bags or other similar objects as though they are carts. He's also into tearing and shredding paper or such material.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Soak Up the Sun; Strutting Your Stuff

The boy needs to have more vitamin D to build his body immunity - so says the Chinese sinseh. And so we have been taking Junior out to sun (hee... a piece of clothing?). Here's the boy at the Lower Seletar Reservoir. Besides, he just learnt to walk. Though wobbly for a start, he sure enjoys strutting his stuff.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

To Leave or Not to Leave

Junior has been in childcare centre for 8 mths now. He'll turn 18 months in 2 months. I'm considering changing him to a new environment. Somewhere that has a philosophy that complements the GD Baby Program. But this program doesn't seem to be widely known and I couldn't get any information from mothers' forums. Really no idea where to begin. Well, in the first place, I can't decide whether to change or stay put at the current chilcare. However, we'd definitely want to get a non-air conditioned place. It'll help J's constitution, I'm sure. Let me pray about it.

Meanwhile, here are photos of Junior and his cousin Terrie, snoozing away after a tiring day visiting for the CNY. But... where's the baby?