Wednesday, January 9, 2013

God's Will?

We've been looking for a new place for months.  Today, I went to take a look at a condo unit at Novena, without Berry, as it could only be viewed during office hours.  It's one of the cheapest unit that can every be found at Novena.  I like the place.  Small as it is, there's a sense of serenity in it.  The only thing is it's tenant-occupied.  And the owner wished for the tenant to remain in the unit, if possible, as she has been a wonderful tenant.

I told Berry about it.  Without even looking at the unit himself, Berry told me to offer a price to the agent.  I thought, what's the hurry?  Berry said the location was prime.  And the price was good.  So what are we waiting for?  Besides, he had a hunch the government was going to implement a new wave of policies to curb housing price hikes.

And so, today was the day I single-handedly negotiated the price for my potential new house.  There really was a lot at stake and so much considerations.  I have stopped working for a while.  My business hasn't exactly picked up.  We could be overstretched with a new place.  Anyhow, we went ahead and the owner accepted our offer!

It felt like a dream.  Is this what God has in store for us?  I certainly hope so.

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