Saturday, August 22, 2009

Skinny Baby

In the 32nd week, doc did a detailed scan to measure the growth of various body parts of baby - head, limbs, tummy - and checked his heartbeat. All was ok except for 1 anomaly. Baby's tummy is smaller than usual. It's only the size of a 29th week old foetus' tummy! She called him a skinny baby and said that we may have to go for an early op to get him out and feed him externally if this persists. I was heartbroken. What has caused my baby to be so malnourished. Doc explained that it could be due to poor functioning of the placenta. It could have stopped performing and thus not giving enough 'food' to baby.

I was told to drink more milk and eat more meat. If situation persists in 2 weeks' time when I visit her again, we'd have to let baby come into this world earlier than predicted...

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