Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Look Here!

Baby started to follow objects since he was about 3 weeks old. Sometime back, he began to notice my hair dangling over him while I was feeding and he even tried to touch my hair with his mitten-covered hand. And when my head moved left and right, his gaze followed where my hair was.

I notice he tends to prefer to look to his right. Not that he doesn't turn his head left and right to look at things but it's indeed a little worrying to see his head turned to the right most of the times. If there are 2 persons on his either side, he'll look at the person on his right.

I read about this condition called congenital muscle torticolis where a child's neck cannot turn both ways and only on one side. Hope junior doesn't have that. Shall ask the paediatrician when we next see him.

[PD said perhaps when he was in the uterus, he constantly turned to the right. Just have to turn his head back whenever he turns to the right excessively. I'm not quite convinced. I tried turning his head to the left before but to no avail. We bought a dimpled pillow for junior which seems to be helping him turn to the left, somehow. So we shall observe further.]

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