Friday, December 4, 2009

Week 8 Growth Spurt???

Baby at week 6

This week, baby seems hungry constantly. He's asking for a feed every 3-3.5hrs, compared to 4-hourly feeds. Wondering if the 130ml fm at each feed is getting insufficient for him. Sometimes, I supplement with bm. (Ha. Yes, now bm has become the supplement while fm the staple. Still working fruitlessly on increasing the bm ss.) To increase fm to 170ml per feed seems ridiculous. He's only taking about 140-150ml of fm at any one time. Wastage. So I'm settling for 130ml every 3-hourly.

What I read is growth spurts occur in week 3, 6 and 3 months. So a little surprised to see a growth spurt symptom in week 8.

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