Monday, January 25, 2010

Certified Healthy

We took baby to the PD for a review today, after 5 days of conscientiously putting him on the nebuliser. Doc said his lungs have been cleared. Hooray! Well done to parents and baby alike.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Baby on Nebuliser

Junior's condition worsened. Took him to see the paediatrician last night and she rented us a nebuliser to help baby clear up the phlegm. Said he has slight bronchiolitis and if not treated properly now, could render baby's body sensitive to viruses in the next 6 months. Poor baby... In a bid to help build up baby's immune system by giving him more antibodies, I've decided I want to continue breastfeeding him, no matter how little the supply is.

Despite coughing his lungs out, baby is keeping up his spirits. Unlike the older baby boys who were on the nebuliser in the clinic, junior did not cry except when he was feeling sleepy toward the end of the nebulising session. We are truly proud of this son who doesn't fuss a lot. He's really good to us. All the more we love him and feel the pain.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Sick but Strong BB

The poor sick boy. Looks so cute sleeping on my yellow, feather pillow.

Virus Everywhere

Baby's sick... Don't know where he caught the flu virus - my parents' home or Berry's mum's home? That is despite 'rescuing' him by taking leave last Thursday and Friday to stay home with him. He has a cough and blocked nose. Took him to the paediatrician last night and he was put on tubes for a short while to get the clog out of his nasal system.

It was really heart-wrenching to see him on it. What does a 3 month old little baby know about breathing through the mouth while on the tubes?? He cringed and whole face turned red as he felt the discomfort and started to wail. Thank God it was just for less than a minute. He was so brave. Stopped crying almost immediately after the tubes were pulled out from his nostrils.

Pray that he will get well soon. God bless him with healthy mind, body and soul. I'm again inspired by junior. Despite being sick (actually I think he doesn't know he's sick), he's still keeping up his spirits, smiling at his parents as usual. Well done, boy!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Junior gestured the "victory" sign with this fingers today! Ha! It pays to gesture to him consistently. My baby has good fine motor skill. But his gross motor skill is yet to be discovered.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Let's Hold Hands

Baby's grasp is getting firmer by the day. I enjoy holding his hands with his little fingers grasping mine while we rock to the "Row, Row Row Your Boat" song that I finally learnt to sing with correct lyrics and all from watching my niece's educational DVD. Woo hoo! =D

Sunday, January 3, 2010


As a new mother, I'm just beginning to be inspired by my baby. Through him, I learn to see life in new perspectives. I see him making sounds most of the times when he's awake and I could sense his fervour for life. His interest to communicate with things and people around him makes me want to view life with more enthusiasm. I want to be inspired by junior every single day. Thank God for showing me new things through junior.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Challenging Life

Baby's life is challenging. Every single minute he's fighting to stay alive, grow well and stay healthy. Little babies may not have strong immune systems yet and so it is of utmost important to clean and sterilise their bottles, teats and things they use and come into contact with. I used to think that babies are so fortunate. They simply eat, poo, sleep and enjoy cuddles. But now I've a new perspective of their lives.
Thank God for this new perspective.