Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Virus Everywhere

Baby's sick... Don't know where he caught the flu virus - my parents' home or Berry's mum's home? That is despite 'rescuing' him by taking leave last Thursday and Friday to stay home with him. He has a cough and blocked nose. Took him to the paediatrician last night and he was put on tubes for a short while to get the clog out of his nasal system.

It was really heart-wrenching to see him on it. What does a 3 month old little baby know about breathing through the mouth while on the tubes?? He cringed and whole face turned red as he felt the discomfort and started to wail. Thank God it was just for less than a minute. He was so brave. Stopped crying almost immediately after the tubes were pulled out from his nostrils.

Pray that he will get well soon. God bless him with healthy mind, body and soul. I'm again inspired by junior. Despite being sick (actually I think he doesn't know he's sick), he's still keeping up his spirits, smiling at his parents as usual. Well done, boy!

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