Thursday, January 21, 2010


Baby on Nebuliser

Junior's condition worsened. Took him to see the paediatrician last night and she rented us a nebuliser to help baby clear up the phlegm. Said he has slight bronchiolitis and if not treated properly now, could render baby's body sensitive to viruses in the next 6 months. Poor baby... In a bid to help build up baby's immune system by giving him more antibodies, I've decided I want to continue breastfeeding him, no matter how little the supply is.

Despite coughing his lungs out, baby is keeping up his spirits. Unlike the older baby boys who were on the nebuliser in the clinic, junior did not cry except when he was feeling sleepy toward the end of the nebulising session. We are truly proud of this son who doesn't fuss a lot. He's really good to us. All the more we love him and feel the pain.

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