Thursday, June 24, 2010


This morning, I received an unexpected sms from the branch director of a childcare centre whose waiting list Junior is on to put him at their infantcare centre. J's got a place there, if we pay the deposit early. Though it was something we anticipated, it was so totally unexpected because the waiting list there is very long. I definitely felt apprehensive to leave my baby there with people we totally do not know.

We went ahead anyhow, knowing my family would be heartbroken. They've grown to love this little baby so much that I hesitated for a while when I received the sms.

Regardless, I hope J will learn new things from the teachers there.

The fee there isn't exactly cheap but I must thank God that besides the government subsidy, Berry's company has a tie-up with this infantcare centre and he's eligible for a further 10% discount on the subsidised rate.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Day My Son Turned into a Goldfish

I think it is due to teething that Junior is opening and closing his upturned mouth, looking like a goldfish. He was so cute Berry and I couldn't stop smiling when we first noticed it. I tried to take photos unsuccessfully. But alas, the video Berry took was too huge. I've uploaded some continuous photos instead. See if you can imagine how he looked.

We later realised he turns into a goldfish everytime he sees us eat. Hmm... this baby is so ready for solids.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Little Tooth is Out!

After feeling discomfort and drooling non-stop for 2 weeks, Bay's FIRST little pearly finally popped out. Haven't managed to take a photo of it yet. Wow...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Tribute to the father on Father's Day

He's probably the most hands-on father I've heard to-date. He was the first family member who learnt to bathe the baby after the baby was brought home from hospital. During the mummy's confinement, he was the confinement man, cum nanny. He feeds the baby, especially when the mother is busy or too tired to move. He bathes the baby almost every weekend (because the caregiver bathes the baby on weekdays). He plays with the baby. He comforts the baby when babe is upset. He spends money to buy baby's high chair, rocker, bumbo seat and a whole lot of other things. He washes baby's milk bottles, clothes and hangs them dry. He prepares baby's feeds. He cooks porridge for baby.

He, is my hubby, Berry.

The Teething Baby

Junior has been drooling profusely for the past 2 weeks and we jolly well know he is teething. But this dumbass mum only remembered his teethers today. Here's Bay chewing away. For some reason, he looks so cute I can't stop grinning when I look at these photos and his super enlarged foot staring at us.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Big Boy

A post to remind us of how Junior has grown since he was born more than 8 months ago. Hmm... handsome boy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Baby's Du Du

Junior's been pretty reliant on his pacifier (du du) these days. He had learnt to go to sleep on his own at night without any help like his du du, or our hugging or carrying. However, his last illness has really taken a toll on him and these days he needs a lot of comfort before he can get to sleep or be pacified when he is upset or frustrated. Here's the baby. Taking to his du du even in the day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby Ribs

Ok. The title of this post may remind us of steak restaurants but no, it's not yummy at all. Bay has been having this blocked nose for almost 1 week since he started to recover from the flu virus he last had. He has been waking up early in the morning at around 6am gasping for air for the last couple of days. Berry and I took him to the pd this evening and was told he has a nose allergy - an aftermath of the flu. Nothing too serious.

We took the opportunity to ask her about his bigger left rib that is protuding like a sore thumb and obviously bigger than his right. She said it is bigger as his heart is there and... prolonged coughing has added pressure on his heart, causing his left rib to be bigger than his right. And no, the two sides will not equalise again with time. Haiz... Sad. Please, Lord. No more coughing for Bay. Amen.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Junior seems to be learning to pick up sounds and micmicking them. When daddy said 'diaper', he murmured something close to that. Not the exact enunciation but the tone is definitely there. Hmm... When will he call mama and papadirected at us specifically.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Young Driver

Doo doo doo doo doo... Baby is driving.

Look mummy, I'm driving.

Hmm... but why are we not moving??

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Itchy Hands

He has adopted this 2nd nature of babies, finally. He's grabbing and touching every and anything he can possibly touch. One fascinating thing is how he'd intently admire things he holds in his hands. As though they are some treasure.

This comes in useful everytime we change diapers for him. At least it keeps him occupied and he won't turn on his tummy and make it difficult to get the diapers on him. His latest fad is this yellow bead necklace his grandfather bought for him when he was in Malaysia.


When he could sit on his own, Junior was thrilled. Look at him enjoy himself swinging his arm.

But alas, Pris was stunned when she saw these photos ... "Who is this baby?" Aiyo... heart pain. This boy doesn't look like me somehow.