Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby Ribs

Ok. The title of this post may remind us of steak restaurants but no, it's not yummy at all. Bay has been having this blocked nose for almost 1 week since he started to recover from the flu virus he last had. He has been waking up early in the morning at around 6am gasping for air for the last couple of days. Berry and I took him to the pd this evening and was told he has a nose allergy - an aftermath of the flu. Nothing too serious.

We took the opportunity to ask her about his bigger left rib that is protuding like a sore thumb and obviously bigger than his right. She said it is bigger as his heart is there and... prolonged coughing has added pressure on his heart, causing his left rib to be bigger than his right. And no, the two sides will not equalise again with time. Haiz... Sad. Please, Lord. No more coughing for Bay. Amen.

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