Friday, December 27, 2013

One Big Step Forward

After attempting to toilet-train little J for so long,  we finally see one big step forward.  After being many disappointments and much frustration, I was really glad J passed this major hurdle.

He was having a rash on his bum bum and screaming from pain when he pooped again.  Then he complained about my long nail as I was washing him up and that really infuriated me.  "No more diapers for you!  Your bum bum was like that because of your diapers!"  That sort of woke J up.  I told him not to wear diapers anymore.  If he needed to poop, use his potty.  He agreed.

Four hours later, he suddenly said he needed to poop and dashed for the toilet.  Sat down on the potty and I waited.  He asked for a tummy massage which I did.  And before long, the poop came out.  Boy!  Were we glad!  I reminded J that he has to wipe from front to back and cleared his potty of his poop and told him when he's able to use the toilet, we won't have to wash his potty anymore.

"I'm so proud of you!" got him all satisfied. 

It was a historic moment for mother and son.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Bye Bye, MMI Pinnacle

Today marked the close of another chapter in J's and our lives.  It was the last day of school at MMI for J.  As with Cherie Hearts, I couldn't bear to see him leaving the teachers and friends who had been in our lives for more than 2.5 years.  I had to walk out of the school so they didn't see me tearing.
I guess I really can't be a childcare teacher.  Everyday, there may be students coming and going.  I can't possibly be crying in front of the parents when they withdraw their child from the centre.  Haiz...
Next year, J will start attending his new kindergarten at the Thomson Road Baptist Kindergarten.  I wish him every success and may the good Lord bless, as always, with good health, body, mind and soul, and a never-dying thirst for knowledge and curious mind.  Amen.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Moving House Again

This is the second time in 2013 that we've moved house.  I am grateful to the Lord for this place.  Small as it is, it is sufficient for us.  The Lord's grace is sufficient for us.  Looking forward to exploring this new area and enjoying its proximity to the city.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Pregnancy Stabilised

It seems the Chinese herbs are indeed effective.  I don't see any weird symptoms related to a miscarriage.  Thank God for that.  I will do all I can to protect this little life our Father Lord has graciously granted us.  He'll see to it that it's healthy.  The next thing to grapple with soon, though I really hope not, is the onset of morning sickness (which for me was the whole day during J's time). :(

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Yes, I think so.  But with a bit of bleeding.  This time around, instead of going to KK, I decided to go the doctor popo to get Chinese herbs to stabilise the pregnancy.  It is a risk I had to take.  Not sure if the Chinese herbs are detrimental to fetal health but I could not take another miscarriage.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Day to Remember

I was told I was pregnant yesterday.  But today, the worst nightmare happened.  I had a miscarriage.  The devastation is to slowly set in...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Yet Another Masterpiece

J built this house for 奶奶. And there are his trucks in the background.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Last Day At Our Matrimonial Home

Tomorrow, we'd be leaving a place we have stayed for the last 5 years, a place where we started our lives together, a place where we had our first child, a place where our first child spent more than 3 years of his life in.

I have no idea why I am so emotional about it.  I guess I really like this place.  I guess I really am a creature of habit deep down.  A sentimental romantic?  I do hope life at my mil's place would be fine and peaceful.  And I hope I'd be able to endure till the day we are to shift to our new place at Novena.  That would be a good 1.5 years down the road. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another of His Masterpiece

A few years on and J's block building hobby has become more sophisticated.
His masterpiece.  It's a school!

Friday, January 11, 2013

His Hunch Was Right

Turned out Berry's hunch was right.  Some measures were implemented!  Is it indeed God's will?  We were glad the heftier additional buyer's stamp duty didn't apply to us because we signed the Option to Purchase a day before the implementation were to take effect.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

God's Will?

We've been looking for a new place for months.  Today, I went to take a look at a condo unit at Novena, without Berry, as it could only be viewed during office hours.  It's one of the cheapest unit that can every be found at Novena.  I like the place.  Small as it is, there's a sense of serenity in it.  The only thing is it's tenant-occupied.  And the owner wished for the tenant to remain in the unit, if possible, as she has been a wonderful tenant.

I told Berry about it.  Without even looking at the unit himself, Berry told me to offer a price to the agent.  I thought, what's the hurry?  Berry said the location was prime.  And the price was good.  So what are we waiting for?  Besides, he had a hunch the government was going to implement a new wave of policies to curb housing price hikes.

And so, today was the day I single-handedly negotiated the price for my potential new house.  There really was a lot at stake and so much considerations.  I have stopped working for a while.  My business hasn't exactly picked up.  We could be overstretched with a new place.  Anyhow, we went ahead and the owner accepted our offer!

It felt like a dream.  Is this what God has in store for us?  I certainly hope so.