Sunday, November 1, 2015

Yet Another Child of God Descended on Earth

And we thought we'd stop at 2.  Today marked the day I'd have a third child from God.

It was such a fast labour every mommy or new mom-to-be would be dead envious about.

Starting from about 7pm this evening, I started having Braxton hicks contractions that were slightly painful.  (I must say, this is a realisation on hindsight.)  What started as Braxton hicks became more and more painful.  I'm not exactly that experienced with labour since I only fully experienced it during baby S's time.

By 9pm, it became more painful.  After hollering at J for taking 1 hour (too long) to clear his toys, I decided to take a bath and see if the pain goes away.  It didn't.

By 10pm, I was telling Bern maybe we need to go to the hospital.  And so we did.  Reached at 1040pm, still with hesitation, wondering if this is it.  Couldn't find a lift that could get us up to the lobby coz it was past 1030pm and security measures closed off all lifts to the lobby from the carpark.

Had to climb the stairs.  Berry thanked God that I could still walk.  Hmm... yes, couldn't imagine him carrying a whale like me up the stairs.

Went up to the labour ward without the need for a wheelchair.  Happy to have reached there successfully.  Told midwife I'm in pain, though I wasn't sure if I were in labour.  When midwife checked, she said I was 5cm dilated and asked if I needed an epidural.  (Midwife later on confessed she didn't think I'd be so far along in labour, looking at how composed I was when we first arrived.)  Said no, since history with baby S has it that dilation will progress at lightning speed and I wouldn't be in time for it.  But I did remind her to call Dr. Chin urgently as I was known for fast delivery.  Said she has already informed her.  Phew.  Final waiting began.

Popped an hour later with the help of antinox through about 5 contractions that became stronger progressively.

Yet another child of God descended on Earth.  Thank God for safe and smooth delivery.

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