Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Venturing Out On My Own

Ever since I had difficulty walking due to the aches, I've not left home without someone with me. Today I'm going to try that. My parents and little niece are coming to visit and bring me lunch. And I haven't changed my ez-link card for the new whatever-you-call-it card, so I thought I'd walk to the MRT station to change it and at the same time meet them to go home together.
It wasn't easy. I regretted the moment I reached the 1st floor. My backache was killing me. I wondered if I should turn back. Nevertheless, I did not. Pride got the better of me. I'd told my parents I'd meet them at the station. There was no turning back. Ha!
Well, the little walk did get me started. No matter how hard it was, I knew God would be there to look after me. And so the little adventure was successful!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mutated SPD

I think the swim did help. My pelvic ligament does not seem to be in pain anymore. However, I've got this nagging backache since yesterday. If anyone sees me walk, they'd think I've turned into a horse. I trot. Berry asked me why I walked like that last night when he was back from work.

Oh yes, I've finally stopped working. Started my much-longed-for maternity leave yesterday. It seemed to help my current condition. At least my pelvic ligament is no longer in pain! Thank God.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction

Another term I found in a book Berry bought. I think this one's more apt for my condition. Gynae said to go swim (float around, ie, because I can no longer swim breaststroke as I need to keep my knees close together with SPD) to realign baby's position in my womb. He may be pressing on some nerves. The swim did help. I got out of the pool feeling refreshed.
Well, I didn't just float. Since I couldn't kick like a frog, I couldn't even paddle, I kept my legs together and did the butterfly stroke instead. This seemed to shake loose my bb's somewhat locked position in my tummy and helped him rest in a more centralised manner.
However, after changing, it got worse than ever as I didn't have any support in the changing room to hold on to while putting on my undies and shorts. These days, I've to sit down to put on my bottoms as I need to keep my knees close together.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Braxton Hicks

While on our drive home, I felt some somewhat regular contractions. I thought, "Wow! Am I so spot-on? I just ended my last day of work before I go on maternity leave and I'm ready for birth!" This lasted for the whole journey home and an hour after we reached home. The contractions were somewhat paced quite evenly. Every 10 or 15 minutes.
I told Berry about it. However, I did some rationalisation and thought it impossible. "The book says the tone of voice would be different when a woman is in labour, compared to when she's having braxton hicks." Berry thought otherwise. He said even when I'm flustered, I could still speak calmly. Well.. he's right. Tested and proven. I'm that calm, so calm that it gets on some people's nerves sometimes.
Well... it proved to be braxton hicks. After a bath, the contractions died down.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)

I was reading and came across this write up on PGP. I think I'm having that. Looks like I need to exercise my pelvic floor more diligently. Hopefully it can ease the pain, if not altogether, at least cut it down by 90%.
One good thing that came out of this is that I learn to look on the positive side somehow. I learn to be still thankful to God. Thankful that my maternity leave is starting soon. Thankful that besides a toothache and PGP, my baby is growing well, no longer malnourished.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ligament Pain

Been having that on and off for the past week. Last night, it got so bad, I couldn't walk properly. Continued to this morning and had no choice but to see the doctor who gave me 2 days' MC. Wondering how I could conquer this. I think sleeping on my left aggravated the pain on the right pelvic ligament. But I read it's better to sleep on the left as sleeping on the right affects some nerves and may obstruct blood circulation. Not sure how true it is...
For now, guess I shall try to sleep on the right anyhow, at least for my naps this afternoon. Tomorrow will be better.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


In marketing a product, there's positioning to consider. So does having an easy birth. For the past few days, I've been observing the way I sit, walk, stand, sleep in a bid to allow baby to go into the ideal position for birth.
It's not always easy, especially when sitting. It's so easy to take the easy way out -- to slouch into the office chair or home sofa and just feel fat and relax. But I know that is not the way to go, if I want baby to arrive smoothly.
So... it's continual discipline and discipline and more discipline.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sweet Dreams? I Wish...

Sleep has become unrestful since beginning of this week. I wake up every morning with heavy eye bags. I've trouble getting into and out of bed. Tummy has become heavy. Very heavy...
Decided to start my maternity leave 3 weeks before the estimated due date. Have a hunch junior will arrive earlier than expected, somehow...

Monday, September 14, 2009


Gynae did a swab test and found I've Group B Streptoccocal vaginal infection. Sigh... What I've been fearing. Heard it'd affect babies born through vaginal delivery. Small percentage will get heart, lung infection.

But I was put on a course of antibiotics immediately after I was tested positive of this infection. Hope my body can start to produce antibodies. Hopefully, it'd minimise baby's chance of getting infected when he's born.

I never doubt I'd deliver him the natural way. I'd love to. So that I can carry him soon after he's born. I've nothing against c-section but I just hope my boy can feel his mum's love the minute he's born, without delay.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Fighter

I finally saw my part in the scheme come to fruition today. After all these weeks and months...

Baby has also proven he's a fighter like his mum. Ha! We went to my gynae today for the much anticipated 2nd detailed scan to see if baby's condition has improved. After the examination, doc announced that baby's growth is back on track. "Whatever you've done over the last 2 weeks, continue to do it," she said. The CTG (heart scan) originally scheduled today can be done without due to this improved condition. Phew! Saved some money.

To-date, Berry and I have spent almost $3k on our visits to the gynae. Sigh... And we thought a wedding is expensive. Baby has already spent us more than we expected. ;pp

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When Love & Hate Collide

I'd love to be able to rest at home and hopefully help baby grow. However, I hate the fact that I've to go to work to ensure the new scheme I've been working on this past 1.5 years is implemented smoothly.

I've been working late for how long I don't know. This week will be the same, if not worse. As the whole department counts down to the big event this weekend, the tension builds simultaneously.

I get calls every other minute for most days this week -- from printing vendor, internal liaison, IT support, other users/ stakeholders... It's amazing I don't lose my cool.

It's all right. I trust God's hand is working on baby. We'll see His miracle work this weekend when I'll go to the doc for a scan again.

Baby seems to have grown over the last weekend.