Friday, September 25, 2009

Braxton Hicks

While on our drive home, I felt some somewhat regular contractions. I thought, "Wow! Am I so spot-on? I just ended my last day of work before I go on maternity leave and I'm ready for birth!" This lasted for the whole journey home and an hour after we reached home. The contractions were somewhat paced quite evenly. Every 10 or 15 minutes.
I told Berry about it. However, I did some rationalisation and thought it impossible. "The book says the tone of voice would be different when a woman is in labour, compared to when she's having braxton hicks." Berry thought otherwise. He said even when I'm flustered, I could still speak calmly. Well.. he's right. Tested and proven. I'm that calm, so calm that it gets on some people's nerves sometimes.
Well... it proved to be braxton hicks. After a bath, the contractions died down.

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