Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Venturing Out On My Own

Ever since I had difficulty walking due to the aches, I've not left home without someone with me. Today I'm going to try that. My parents and little niece are coming to visit and bring me lunch. And I haven't changed my ez-link card for the new whatever-you-call-it card, so I thought I'd walk to the MRT station to change it and at the same time meet them to go home together.
It wasn't easy. I regretted the moment I reached the 1st floor. My backache was killing me. I wondered if I should turn back. Nevertheless, I did not. Pride got the better of me. I'd told my parents I'd meet them at the station. There was no turning back. Ha!
Well, the little walk did get me started. No matter how hard it was, I knew God would be there to look after me. And so the little adventure was successful!

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