Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When Love & Hate Collide

I'd love to be able to rest at home and hopefully help baby grow. However, I hate the fact that I've to go to work to ensure the new scheme I've been working on this past 1.5 years is implemented smoothly.

I've been working late for how long I don't know. This week will be the same, if not worse. As the whole department counts down to the big event this weekend, the tension builds simultaneously.

I get calls every other minute for most days this week -- from printing vendor, internal liaison, IT support, other users/ stakeholders... It's amazing I don't lose my cool.

It's all right. I trust God's hand is working on baby. We'll see His miracle work this weekend when I'll go to the doc for a scan again.

Baby seems to have grown over the last weekend.

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