Sunday, September 27, 2009

Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction

Another term I found in a book Berry bought. I think this one's more apt for my condition. Gynae said to go swim (float around, ie, because I can no longer swim breaststroke as I need to keep my knees close together with SPD) to realign baby's position in my womb. He may be pressing on some nerves. The swim did help. I got out of the pool feeling refreshed.
Well, I didn't just float. Since I couldn't kick like a frog, I couldn't even paddle, I kept my legs together and did the butterfly stroke instead. This seemed to shake loose my bb's somewhat locked position in my tummy and helped him rest in a more centralised manner.
However, after changing, it got worse than ever as I didn't have any support in the changing room to hold on to while putting on my undies and shorts. These days, I've to sit down to put on my bottoms as I need to keep my knees close together.

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