Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Teething Baby

Junior had been having watery poo at least 3 times for the past 1 week even his IFC teachers were exclaiming "Help!" because he kept soiling his clothes. According to Junior's pd, the reason for his watery and sour-smelling poo was his teething condition.

Today, his pooing 'adventure' continued. I almost wanted to give up working from home. It was enough just clearing his poo. It didn't help that he was cranky the whole day, crying for no apparent reason and needing constant attention. Whatever happened to the easy baby we once knew?

I had to constantly psych myself that this would pass. I just have to do my best and whatever I could. Besides, Junior could be feeling confused why his daddy didn't carry and cuddle him the way he used to when he was at home and why he cooped himself up in the spare room. All these will pass. A few more days.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Day A Shroud of Bleakness Fell

The answer to Berry's days of fever was revealed today. Early in the morning, as we were preparing to send Junior to IFC and then go to work, Berry came to me to show me some rashes on his neck and chin. We were wondering what they could be and he suggested maybe those were chicken pox. I didn't think much of it till a nagging premonition prompted me to relook at the rashes when we were on our way to the IFC. One hard stare at one of the rashes confirmed our worst nightmare -- CHICKEN POX!!!

Nevertheless, we sent Junior to the ifc but I told Berry to go to the doctor instead of office while I went to work. It was one of the worst moments that morning as I waited for Berry to tell me the doctor's diagnosis. My first thought was that if Junior were to catch it, I would be a totally devastated mum. It was not that I didn't have it and was worried I'd catch it. Rather, my poor baby has been sick at least once a week since the beginning of this year I couldn't bear him being inflicted with another disease - one that would be much worse than any others he'd had since he came into this world. I couldn't imagine what would follow.

But the worst nightmare did come after all. The first thing I did was to take half day off to take Junior away from the ifc lest he was already infected and could pose a threat to the other kids. For the same reason, I couldn't send Junior to my parents' place as he could well infect his cousin. I didn't have any other choice except to take Junior home but separate him from his father by quarantining his father in one of the spare rooms.

After the two boys were settled down, that was when the nightmare posed to be worse than I thought. It was reporting period for me at work. What added to it was the project that was due for pretty urgent reporting as well. I had no choice but to work from home. Knowing the difficulty of working from home and having to take care of baby at the same time (though I certainly had lots of training while at my previous job), and what more to cook for the two boys, I could only ask my parents for help to come help look after the baby with me.

What followed was many days of late late nights and early mornings just so I could catch those precious late night and wee morning hours to catch up on my work deadlines. Had to tell myself after this, I would become a super good multi-tasker. At the same time, I was worried Junior would catch the pox as well. My mind was in a turmoil.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Our lives seemed to have gone back to normal as we sent Junior back to the IFC this morning, after having mia-ed from the IFC during his stomach flu bout and on and off during his father's two weeks reservice. What was more, he had a short fever last Friday morning (yes, only the morning) and we kept him away from the IFC and sent him to my parents' place instead.

This was certainly a relief for me. Say goodbye to the early mornings and late nights packing J's stuff to go to IFC and still allow his father ample time to reach camp by 8am latest. The only disturbing thing was Berry's had this nagging fever since last Saturday, a day after J, that didn't seem to want to go away, even till this morning.

When we collected J from the IFC, we were told he learnt his body parts from head to toe today. The IFC senior teacher commented that J doesn't like to play with crayon, unlike other kids, but he sure loves books! They also taught him to clap sometime back, though he hasn't exactly mastered it yet. One thing I'm particularly proud of is that my son is a good boy who is obedient, versatile and doesn't like to inconvenience others. He drinks milk regardless of who feeds him. Easy baby. I'm certainly glad my baby is such a dear little boy who is merciful to his caregivers.

It's nice to know J's learning skills and language at the centre.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ball Game

Read from baby center that balls are good games for babies and so we went to Toys r Us to get a ball for Junior. I brought him around in the store to choose a ball and he picked a soccer ball (miniature) over a basketball miniature. It was pure joy to see Junior play and roll the ball so delightfully. He even tried chewing the ball. Hmm.. did he think it was a sweet when he chose this ball?

It had been a hectic past 2 weeks and I'm glad it's coming to an end. I can finally look forward to later mornings.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Berry on Reservice

For the next two weeks, Berry is on reservice. I don't know how it's going to work out but I know it would be a challenge because the whole family has to wake up early in the morning to prepare to send baby to either his grandparents' place or to IFC.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Babe in the 'New' Car

He seemed to like it from the first day he sat in it. Here's Bay in the 'new' 2nd-hand car.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Love Books, Mummy

Bay definitely loves books. When he started to know how to reach for things and grab them, books were one of the first things he wanted to grab. The "Being Happy" book was his favourite. He loves the ang kong on its cover. Makes him squeal with joy each time I pick up that book to read to him.

We also bought him a few pop up books. One of them had the nursery rhyme Mary Had a Little Lamb. The first time he 'read' that book, he ripped Mary's foot off! Hur hur... excited boy he was.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bidding Farewell to the Good Ole Altis

She has ferried us across and around the island for almost two years. She has taken me to my checks at the gynae during my pregnancy days. She has ferried me and Junior when he was due to pop. She has got us home safely when Junior popped and could go home for the first time.

But today is the last day we'll see of this good old Altis. The daddy has decided to get a 7-seater so he could drive the whole family (5+1) around and we are to bid her goodbye.

Monday, July 5, 2010


This is it. Gastroenteritis, i.e., stomach flu. Boo hoo... Not sure where it is from. Most likely the IFC. See Bay at the clinic. So far, he has kept the once-a-month-to-his-pd record. Haiz...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The 24-Hour Clinic

As it was a Sunday and no kids clinic were opened, we took Bay to Mt. A's 24-hr clinic. Alas, doc couldn't tell what was wrong. Gave us Lacteofel, paracetamol and electrolyte drink to curb the temperature and diarrhoea. By morning, Bay had stopped vomiting. We decided to take him to his pd tomorrow morning.

The Merlion

My poor dear boy started throwing up early this morning (12+ am). Berry and I got a shock. He threw up once early in the morning. We thought we didn't burp him properly for his last feed of the night. It was a huge mess in his cot. Just as we were clearing the mess, Bay threw up again! Now we wondered if we fed him food that wasn't prepared well. And he threw up a 3rd time! Truly, we were shocked. What happened?? Bay's merlioning so nonchalantly?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

See How the Tiny Baby Has Grown

He used to be such a teeny weeny little bundle when he first came into our lives physically for real. Look at how the little Bay has grown. Now he can sit up without support to play with his toys. His looks has evolved. He's turning into a little boy. No longer the totally helpless baby.

Bay has successfully survived two days of IFC. Little do we know that something is to befall him tonight.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Junior's First Day in IFC

I think it was more eventful for his parents than for Junior. First, it was a lot of work the previous night, preparing his bag for the IFC the next day. Then, it was waking up early the next morning to fetch grandpa to go to IFC together with Junior so he knows where the place is located and still get Junior to the centre in time. (This is a major concern as his parents, esp. his father, are not exactly super punctual people.)

I guess it was still a great day despite all the hasty preparations. At the end of the day, when we went to fetch Junior, he looked a bit subdued but I attributed it to the fact that he was in a new environment and was adjusting. His aunt went with Berry and I to fetch him. Hur hur... some great support we have there.

Here's a photo of J with his beloved cousin when we took him to granny's for dinner, as we promised we would when he starts IFC.