Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Teething Baby

Junior had been having watery poo at least 3 times for the past 1 week even his IFC teachers were exclaiming "Help!" because he kept soiling his clothes. According to Junior's pd, the reason for his watery and sour-smelling poo was his teething condition.

Today, his pooing 'adventure' continued. I almost wanted to give up working from home. It was enough just clearing his poo. It didn't help that he was cranky the whole day, crying for no apparent reason and needing constant attention. Whatever happened to the easy baby we once knew?

I had to constantly psych myself that this would pass. I just have to do my best and whatever I could. Besides, Junior could be feeling confused why his daddy didn't carry and cuddle him the way he used to when he was at home and why he cooped himself up in the spare room. All these will pass. A few more days.

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