Monday, July 26, 2010

Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Our lives seemed to have gone back to normal as we sent Junior back to the IFC this morning, after having mia-ed from the IFC during his stomach flu bout and on and off during his father's two weeks reservice. What was more, he had a short fever last Friday morning (yes, only the morning) and we kept him away from the IFC and sent him to my parents' place instead.

This was certainly a relief for me. Say goodbye to the early mornings and late nights packing J's stuff to go to IFC and still allow his father ample time to reach camp by 8am latest. The only disturbing thing was Berry's had this nagging fever since last Saturday, a day after J, that didn't seem to want to go away, even till this morning.

When we collected J from the IFC, we were told he learnt his body parts from head to toe today. The IFC senior teacher commented that J doesn't like to play with crayon, unlike other kids, but he sure loves books! They also taught him to clap sometime back, though he hasn't exactly mastered it yet. One thing I'm particularly proud of is that my son is a good boy who is obedient, versatile and doesn't like to inconvenience others. He drinks milk regardless of who feeds him. Easy baby. I'm certainly glad my baby is such a dear little boy who is merciful to his caregivers.

It's nice to know J's learning skills and language at the centre.

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