Thursday, July 1, 2010

Junior's First Day in IFC

I think it was more eventful for his parents than for Junior. First, it was a lot of work the previous night, preparing his bag for the IFC the next day. Then, it was waking up early the next morning to fetch grandpa to go to IFC together with Junior so he knows where the place is located and still get Junior to the centre in time. (This is a major concern as his parents, esp. his father, are not exactly super punctual people.)

I guess it was still a great day despite all the hasty preparations. At the end of the day, when we went to fetch Junior, he looked a bit subdued but I attributed it to the fact that he was in a new environment and was adjusting. His aunt went with Berry and I to fetch him. Hur hur... some great support we have there.

Here's a photo of J with his beloved cousin when we took him to granny's for dinner, as we promised we would when he starts IFC.

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