Monday, October 29, 2007

Cinderella's Immaculate Glass Shoes

We can inject some fun into our wedding preparation. I had fun when I went searching for my shoes for wedding. I had in mind strappy heels but wanted something unique. This was what I did. I bought a pair of silver, strappy heels with no motifs, gems, nothing. To turn it into something I can call my own, I bought swarovski crystals to spruce up the heels. These stones come in various sizes and colours. The smaller they are, the more difficult to stick them on. Do bear in mind the size of your straps. You can try too.

That's how my left shoe looks. I added the swarovski stones onto the longer strap, to where the buckle is. It was quite a last-minute job. The night before I was to wear them for my wedding shoot, a long-time friend of mine offered to help. Thank God. Boy, was she good at it. She did it on her hair band before.

I stuck the stones on my left shoe while she did it on the right. Use elephant glue. It doesn't dry up too fast. There's time to adjust the position of the stones before the glue solidifies and the stone is fixed there for some time. Oh, and I must add that shoes and stones cost me less than S$40. Have fun...

1 comment:

  1. wah! very pretty and for just S$40 its a good deal!
    its a good thing u didnt ask me to help you on this though. i think i'll end up sticking my fingers together instead!
